Why I’m not reading right now

Hey all!

I’m barely making it through the books I have to read right now, let alone anything extra for fun.  When I say have to, I mean things I’m reading under deadlines, mostly for this podcast, book clubs and work.  Part of it is that I am still getting used to working full time again (my bedtime has been waaaay earlier than normal for the past few weeks) and part of it is that it’s awards season.

I love awards season.*  I love setting up my snack table and inviting my friends over to discuss.  I love guessing who will take home the trophy. I love it when I’m right! I love the acceptance speeches and the corny jokes.  And you know I love a list, so getting to make them and cross off the movies I watch is really just an added bonus.

Several years ago I started trying to watch all of the major nominees before the OSCAR ceremony aired.  To do that, I sacrifice a lot of reading time in January and February.  But it’s worth it.  I’ve watched movies I might not have otherwise  seen and it’s been an enjoyable experience for the most part.  Kind of like when your book club gives you a choice you’re only lukewarm about and you wind up loving it (I’m looking at you, “Destiny of the Republic”).

The last noms were finally out last week, and between all the earlier nominees and my own entertainment information consumption, I’m ahead of where I would usually be right now.  To be fair, this is pretty late for the nominations to only just be coming out; that’s probably why. But I’ve still got plenty to watch and the competition is going to be fierce.  I’m always super impressed with actors who can portray real people.  This year, there are lots of true stories in the mix and I commend the actors who are committed to telling those stories.

Also, reading has been hard for me in COVID times…I can’t say why, other than that for a long time it was hard to focus, and movies and shows have been a comfort.  I don’t think I’m alone in that.  So I will be putting on my fanciest yoga pants and tuning in at the end of April, alone again this year probably (but hopefully for the last time!) to cheer for the people who kept me entertained in a trying year.

Then, April 26, I’m back to my TBR list.

Champagne is always a good choice for an awards show!



*I absolutely know that many of these committees have work to do regarding diversification of their memberships, nominees and winners.  I also think its important to support movie-makers.