Drunken Golden Oreo Milkshake

milkshakes with whiskey bottle and package of golden oreosFor our next podcast (#16), we will be discussing the book The Last Couple Standing by Matthew Norman. In this book, one of the married couples had some of their most serious discussions in the kitchen eating Golden Oreos.

We felt we had to find a drink that reflected those moments. So Jaclyn did a little research and found the Drunken Golden Oreo Milkshake. The recipe calls for:

1 ounce Bourbon (we used Jameson’s Irish Whiskey)
1 ounce Vanilla Vodka
4-5 Golden Oreos
1 cup Vanilla Ice Cream
1 cup Milk

After blending you can top with Whipped Cream and crushed or crumbled Golden Oreos if you desire (we did).

This is a tasty, tasty milkshake with alcohol. Full recipe is here.

We hope you make one up and listen along.

