Flashback Lit Review – Ruby

Hey all!

On this Flashback Friday, I’m taking you back to my teen years, when I spent a lot of time in the uncertain headspace of the main characters of V.C. Andrews novels.

As did many of us, I kicked off my Andrews obsession with “Flowers in the Attic”.  I first read that when I was 12 I think, and much of it went right over my head, because when I re-read it as an adult, I was startled.  Kudos to my mom for believing in my ability to ignore that which I didn’t understand, and for not censoring my reading material.

However, after I finished the Dollanganger saga, I went on to discover that Andrews had more, A TON MORE, of those creepy books with the fascinating cut-out covers and dove in.  All the way.  I consumed them all.  So imagine my secret delight when I saw that Lifetime was continuing their quest to bring them to the screen and was premiering a series of movies featuring Ruby in March 2021.

Readers, Ruby’s tale was DRAMATIC.  After growing up in the bayou with her grandparents, she discovers the missing half of her family tree when she sets out to find her father.  What she finds is a man living in a completely different world from the one she knows.  She is taken in, but honestly, she would have been better off fending for herself in the swamp for all the nasty people and shenanigans she encounters.  But that didn’t stop me from reading them all. Twice.

Don’t tell anyone that I plan to watch all 4 Ruby movies on demand this month, okay?

Indulge in a Hurricane cocktail while reading these.
