Keepin’ It Simple…

By making your own Simple Syrup for a cocktail mixer! What could be easier?!

It’s really very simple. Ha Ha. Get it?

All you need is equal parts sugar and water. Place both in a saucepan. Simmer and stir just until the sugar dissolves and the liquid is clear. Let cool. 

Voila! You have your own Simple Syrup! And it is so much better than store bought. 

You can even add some flavoring like mint – add a mint leaf. Or maybe you want cinnamon flavor – add a cinnamon stick. Add the flavoring after the sugar dissolves and then it steeps while the mixture cools down. 

Unflavored Simple Syrup will last about a month, flavored will last around 1-2 weeks. Keep it stored in the refrigerator.

So the next time you want to make a margarita or a mojito and you (gasp!) don’t have any Simple Syrup? You now know what to do.

You are welcome.
