A Trip Down Memory Lane with Cherry Ames, Student Nurse

Cherry Ames Student Nurse Book CoverWhen I graduated with my Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science, one of my very good friends – Meaghan Battle – gave me a first edition copy of Cherry Ames, Student Nurse by Helen Wells written in 1943. We were both avid fans of the series when we were much, much younger. And since then, it has been sitting on the fireplace mantle. Every time I look at it, I smile and think of Meaghan.

Meaghan passed away last year and just about a week ago it was her birthday. In tribute to her, I decided I would re-read Cherry Ames, Student Nurse to see if it still held the magic that I remember.

I just finished it this morning.

Did it still have the magic? No, not really. Did I find it engaging? Yes I did. And in a few places, I was even on the edge of my seat – like when it looked like she wasn’t going to get her nursing cap and move on. Oh my gosh! It was so intense! And then of course I remembered there are over 25 books in the series with the word Nurse in the title and I have read them all. 

Also, I want you to know that if you were studying nursing back in 1943, you would be in a program called Nursing Arts. Yep. Not Nursing Science, but Nursing Arts. You would have learned “bed making” and you may have even been assigned to a floor called “Bone Deformities”.

Oh the things you can learn from taking a trip back in time. Thank you Meaghan for allowing me to take that trip. Rest in peace my friend.
