Saturdays are for series!

Every summer I like to pick an author I have never tried and then read all of their books. The previous summer, I chose Karin Slaughter. She has two series that interconnect – Grant County and Will Trent – and then she has some stand-alones. Start with the Grant County series as it introduces the characters – Sara Linton, Jeffrey Tolliver, and Lena Adams –  some of who will show up in the Will Trent series.

Grant County Series – set in a small town in Georgia with it’s fair share of serial killers and violent crimes, Sara Linton is a pediatrician and part time coroner, Jeffrey Tolliver is the chief of police and ex-husband of Sara, Lena Adams is a detective under Tolliver. 

Will Trent Series – set in Atlanta, Will Trent is a special agent with the GBI (Georgia Bureau of Investigation), Faith Mitchell is his partner, and Angie Polaski is Will’s wife.

I don’t want to give too much away here, but I can tell you that I knew what was going to happen in the Grant County series. I was bad and looked ahead because I couldn’t figure out why some of the characters transitioned to the Will Trent series. So I was waiting for it and waiting – and I still didn’t see it coming! Seriously, I didn’t see it coming! And when it did, I was so shocked!

The author wrote a letter to her readers explaining why she chose to do what she did in the series. And I kind of agreed with her. My suggestion would be to find that letter – but not until you finish the Grant County series. Don’t be like me and look ahead.

One other thing – full disclosure – I did not like the Will Trent character when I first started the next series. It could have been because I was just getting over the shock from the Grant County series but none of the characters had any appeal to me. I stuck with it though and grew to really like them…well, most of them. 

For the Grant County Series start with Blindsighted.

– Kelley