Another Cocktail Countdown update

Hey all!

You’ll recall that I’m adding a little variety to my holiday season with a Countdown to Christmas Cocktail Calendar. In the first updates, I told you that “The Henry“, “The Spiced Snowball”, and “The Caramel Apple Moscow Mule” were standouts from the first couple of weeks.

In these middle weeks of my self-imposed challenge, we’ve sampled a few things I’ve just never taken the time to make because I either needed to go to the store, or it was harder than pouring whiskey in a glass and topping it with some soda.

First, how am I only now finding out about Hot Buttered Rum?  I mean, I was pretty hesitant because butter and rum sounded like a very unlikely and unlikeable combination.  *However*, it turns out there is brown sugar and cinnamon involved and those made all the difference.  I loved it.  Full disclosure though…its a very, very rich drink and I could only consume half of the one I made before it cooled too much to be enjoyable.  So, take that under advisement if you are mixing one at home.  The recipe I used is from

I also thoroughly enjoyed the Caramel Snickerdoodle Martini.  I am a big fan of snickerdoodle cookies (okay, really cookies in general!) and this drinkable version was so good, we made a second round.  We used the recipe from, which calls for cinnamon, caramel, cream and caramel vodka.  It was an indulgence, for sure!

This has been a really fun, simple thing to do to add some variation to our day.  My husband is not the most adventurous when it comes to cocktails, but he has embraced this more than I expected.  And with so much time at home, having time to prep them hasn’t been an issue.  I may even continue this calendar up to New Years Eve…Pinterest has my number now and keeps sending me drink suggestions, so I have even more to choose from.

Enjoy, whatever you’re trying this holiday season!
