Lit Review – Winter in Paradise by Elin Hilderbrand

If you haven’t figured it out yet, Elin Hilderbrand is one of my favorite authors. On my bucket list is to get to Nantucket Island.

But now that I have started her Paradise series, I have added – St. John, US Virgin Islands to my bucket list.

Irene Steele has a beautiful home, a husband that works a lot of hours and is never home, and two grown sons – one married with a child, one not so successful.

Irene’s world comes crashing to a halt when she receives a phone call on New Year’s Eve that her husband is dead. He went down in a helicopter crash over the water just east of St. John. Irene and her sons head to St. John only to find that her husband has already been cremated, approved by his boss, Todd Croft.

For the next week, the question of why her husband was in the US Virgin Islands is just one of many that will surface as Irene and her sons come to understand that, her husband and their father, had a whole separate life that did not include them.

This is the first one in the trilogy. I just finished it yesterday and I have already started the second one – What Happens in Paradise. I highly recommend. I couldn’t put it down.
