Lit Review – The Lies that Bind by Emily Giffin

I’m sitting here enjoying Pineapple Mimosas on a Sunday afternoon, reflecting back on the book I just finished – The Lies that Bind by Emily Giffin. This book had me hooked from the first page and I finished it within 24 hours.

Imagine that you are Cecily, you have just broken up with your boyfriend, Matthew, of 3 years and you are having a hard time moving on. You go out to the bar one night alone, have a few, and in a buzzed moment decide it would be a good idea to call Matthew. The bartender hands you the phone. And, as you are dialing, a deep voice from behind says “Don’t do it. Don’t call him.” You look around into the brown eyes of a stranger and proceed to spend the rest of the night and the next morning developing a deep, intense connection with a complete stranger.

For the next 5 months, the feelings get deeper and deeper until September 11, 2001 when it all comes crashing down – literally. And you realize everything you felt for the past 5 months was a lie.

This was a story about love, betrayal, and forgiveness. About understanding what we need from life – from people – to be genuinely happy. Cecily can be a little annoying at times, but she has a fresh, authentic voice that rings true. The surprise and shock surrounding Cecily, as she listens to the news and watches the planes hitting the Twin Towers, will evoke the same sadness you might have experienced when the event happened.

This is definitely Chick Lit but a good choice to pick up.
