Lit Review: Remind Me Again Why I Need a Man by Claudia Carroll

Amelia Lockwood is an up and coming TV producer about to score big with turning a failing soap opera type show into an overnight success. She has a fabulous apartment and 3 best friends since college who make up the Lovely Girls Club.

It seems as if she has the perfect life. 

Except that Amelia is in her late 30s and is feeling that her chances of finding a husband are getting slimmer.

She finds an advertisement on the office notice board that says, “This is your year! Your year to get married!!!”

It goes on to say that, if you are over 35, all you need to do to find a husband within the year, is to apply the principles taught by the Harvard Marketing School to your love life.

Amelia signs herself up and soon she is starting the Twelve Step program that has her contacting every single boyfriend she has ever had and asking them why it went wrong.

Published back in 2007, and set in Dublin, this book is a funny journey back through Amelia’s love life as she contacts boyfriend after boyfriend to try and understand why she is still single.

Try your public library for this one.
