Lit Review – Oona Out of Order by Margarita Montimore

Imagine that on every New Year’s Eve at midnight you jump to a different year of your life, a random year, not in any particular order. And, imagine that the first time it happened you were a young, fit 19 year old on New Year’s Eve 1982 and then you wake up on New Year’s Day in the future as a 51 year old with a 51 year old body – not as fit, with all the aches and pains of aging. 

This is Oona’s life. 

She has two constants no matter what period she is in – her mother, and her personal assistant Kenzie. Both aware of her jumps through life every New Year’s Eve. Oona has learned to leave herself notes for the future – notes about boyfriends, stocks to purchase or not to purchase, happenings in the world, etc. Anything to help understand where she has lived and what she has done or will do.

I really liked the premise of this book and really felt uncomfortable for Oona at times as she jumps through her life. I can’t even imagine how disjointed that must be and to never remember a bond with anyone. 

I can say that, although I empathized with Oona’s situation, I didn’t really care for her character. I felt she was selfish, shallow and took advantage of her situation to become wealthy or, in some cases, not to forge relationships. Again, understandably.

I guess if you can feel the character’s uncomfortableness, pain, happiness, and sorrow, the author has done a great job – right?

So, yes, I am recommending you give this book a try. Though it might not seem that way. Just because I didn’t care for the character doesn’t mean it wasn’t a good story.
