Lit Review – One to Watch

Hey all!

Isn’t it funny how you can read book after book and they all just keep feeling…I don’t know….fine…?  They aren’t bad books; you just aren’t raving about them to your book club, you know?  And then, like a stroke of luck, you find a little gem in your ebook app.  That’s what happened with “One to Watch”.  Someone online recommended it, so I checked it out, with low expectations.

What. A. Delight.

It’s the story of Bea, a plus-size fashion blogger who is hand picked by the new producer of a Bachelor-esque show called “Main Squeeze”.  Lauren convinces Bea to be the newest star, after Bea posts a drunken tirade about the lack of diversity on the show.  She reluctantly agrees to participate, and does so thinking only that it will help her online presence afterward.  She never realistically expects to find actual love on the show.

Until, maybe…she does.

This one was so fun to read, and honestly I wasn’t sure how they were going to resolve the love stories (it was more than a triangle at one point).  I was happy to read a heroine who was so body positive and who overcame some major (fictional, yes, but it hits hard) self doubt about whether love could work out for her.  check this one out and settle in for an enjoyable few hours of fashion and romance.

This one is for the wine drinkers.
