Lit Review – Notes on a Case of Melancholia, Or: A Little Death by Nicholas Gurewitch

I have written before about my love-hate relationship with the Goodreads Challenge. On Dec. 28, I had 6 more books to read to complete my challenge. There was no way I was going to complete the challenge reading anything that had more than 100 pages in it so, as always, I went to the new graphic novel section of my local library. 

Now, I am not a graphic novel fan. Generally, I just don’t get them. But, desperate times call for desperate measures.

The first one I picked up was titled “Notes on a Case of Melancholia, Or: A Little Death” by Nicholas Gurewitch. It had no words, only pictures.

I totally didn’t get it. So I put it back.

But then, my coworker highly recommended this title and I told her I didn’t get it. So she rattled off the plot just like that. And, Voila!, I did get it. It made perfect sense!

And it was the cutest darn book ever. 

I took it home to my husband to see if it was just my brain that doesn’t work well when it comes to graphic novels. Or does it depend on the person?

My husband didn’t get it either.

I then gave it to my daughter and her husband to read – they both got it right away. 

My son did not. 

I don’t know what all my research means, but it was interesting.

I do highly recommend this book. It was one of my favorites from 2020. 
