More best of 2020!

Hey all,

Library Journal, a publication we used in the library to help select materials to purchase, posted their best of 2020 list.  They’ve broken it down by subgenre, and there are 145 titles to review on this one.  They also – and I LOVE this, since I’m a checklist fanatic – added a link to the article so you can download the list to Excel.

My favorite on this list is “The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires” by Grady Hendrix.  We covered that book in a podcast episode; in the briefest of summaries here, Kelley and I both loved that one.  It was in the top three of 2020, if not the best, for me for entertainment value.  It really covered a range of emotions – sympathy, disgust, indignation, horror, sadness, humor – and I was sorry when I was done reading it.  Also, I learned some important lessons about vampires.  Goes well with Bloody Marys!

Keep checking back for more 2020 highlights! Podcast eps resume in mid-January.
