Liquid Peanut Butter Cups

Hey all!

Today I’m talking peanut butter. 

Peanut butter has never let me down.  It’s always good.  On toast? Yes. In candy? Definitely.  On a cold PB&J sammie? Absolutely. Mixed into a smoothie? Do it.  Straight from a jar on a spoon? Always good, but especially helpful if you have the hiccups.  My grandpa even used to spread it on pancakes, which sounded good, but since I always used pancakes as a vessel for syrup, that wasn’t for me.  The point is, like Bubba’s shrimp, peanut butter is a yummy, versatile taste-maker. 

So, when I recently saw that whiskey makers are featuring Peanut Butter flavored whiskeys, I was immediately intrigued and started thinking about how this could be best enjoyed.  I tend to have my whiskey with a mixer, and I was trying to determine what the best one might be.  Before I could get there, my friend Yvette figured it out.  And her solution? Was to mix it with another liquor. Works for me!

My thanks to her for sharing this with me, as I anticipate sipping on one of these all through the fall. It’s a little bit heavy for me for summertime, but I also know I wouldn’t turn one down if it was offered to me!

The ratio is imperfect…my favorite cocktails tend to be mixed to taste, because I am too lazy to find a shot glass most of the time.  So play around with it, but to start, go 1:1 and adjust from there.   

Mix peanut butter whiskey with chocolate liqueur; shake with ice and serve.  A second, even creamier version adds a splash of Irish cream. A third option is to blend with ice cream.  It’s a sipper, folks.  Smooth and delicious; basically dessert in a glass.  
