Lit Review – Dracula vs. Hitler 

Every now and then I get in a reading rut – can’t find anything I want to read, nothing interests me, etc. That’s when I go to the new book shelf of my public library and browse the titles currently on the shelf. A few years ago, I pulled off a gem. Just the title alone grabbed my interest – Dracula vs. Hitler by Patrick Sheane Duncan.

Small confession here – I love vampire and zombie novels. 

But this one, not only did it have a vampire, it was also set during WWII.  Bonus!

So here’s the storyline:
Back in the late 1800’s Abraham Van Helsing was instrumental in ensuring Dracula was incapacitated forever.

Fast forward to 1941 Romania, the Nazi’s are cutting a swath of brutality across many countries with no apparent way to stop them.

Enter Van Helsing, his granddaughter Lucy, and Jonathan Harker’s grandson who set out to revive Dracula and enlist his help in destroying Nazi Germany. 

Once Hitler learns of Dracula’s resurrection, he puts a plan in place to capture Dracula so that Hitler, himself, can become immortal.

I know, you might have to suspend belief. But, it is a really good story.

Other interesting facts: the author has a Michigan connection, he began his film career as a manager of a small movie theater in Grand Rapids. And, the book was published through Inkshares, a crowdfunded publisher. Books are selected to be published by readers. You can check out more information and other titles here
