
As I might have mentioned before, I’m not a fan of shots. But, I’m not going to turn one down when asked to do one. So a few weekends ago…

Apple Cider Mule

I, too, was inspired by apple cider cocktails. I mean it’s fall, right? And that means apple cider, caramel apples, doughnuts from the cider mill, moldy leaves, and cool, crisp…

Boozy Cider

Hey all. No exclamation point on this one, because it’s the saddest day of the year at my house today…pool closing day.  We did pretty well, getting to swim until…

Let’s Talk Wine

I find that wine, as with many types of alcohol, is an acquired taste. I never drank wine, never liked it, until I moved into our house 20 something years…

Homemade Bar Ingredients

Homemade Grenadine Who knew you could make your own grenadine?! In doing research for Podcast #3, I came across a drink recipe that called for grenadine and it gave a…